Barlos 2024




28 de setembro de 2024



Production of the transdisciplinary festival in Barcelos

Barcelos hosted the third edition of Barlos.

The third edition of Barlos took place on September 28th, once again transforming Barcelos into the vibrant setting for an event that aims to establish fresh dialogues between local crafts and contemporary artistic expressions.

On the musical side, concerts by Maria Reis and xauxaudodô filled Largo Dr. Martins de Lima with captivating sounds, while Barlos FM radio—a series of programs selected through an open call—resonated through Barlos shopping center's corridors. In the realm of visual arts, an exhibition by Juliana Julieta, curated by Paula Pinto, was creatively spread across Barlos' shop windows and the former Espaço Cultura concert hall.

In addition to these artistic showcases, the festival invited the public to participate in workshops led by local potters, allowing them to engage directly with traditional craftsmanship. These efforts were part of a broader mission to strengthen and modernize the ties between history, place, and community - one that will undoubtedly continue to evolve in the years to come.

Find out more about our role in the production of Barlos here

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